Students love having choices, but they may not love writing reports. I’m going to share how using CHOICE you can watch your elementary students eagerly work on and create some amazing biography projects. Use student enthusiasm to integrate and teach deep concepts at the same time with the focus on learning more about a famous person during a biography report… Read More
10 Tips To Effectively Teach Poetry
Are you gearing up to teach poetry but just aren’t sure where to start?! Have no fear, here’s a list of tips and tricks to make teaching poetry an cinch, AND get your students loving it too. Yes, even the boys! Introduce poetry with poems that your students can relate to. This is huge. You have to hook students on… Read More
How to Teach Scientific Inquiry and Prepare for Science Fair
It all starts with a question. When you teach Scientific Inquiry the essential component to enforce with your students is to question everything. All of our big discoveries, innovations, and new ideas come from someone questioning the current beliefs with hopes to gain new knowledge, make something better or different, discover something new, etc. In my classroom, that’s the most… Read More