Have you ever heard your students say, “Ugh, why do I have to write about how I solved the math problem?” If students can TELL you what they did to solve the problem, they can WRITE about it. It seems like a daunting task to get students writing, but step by step you can do it. This blog post is… Read More
Wrapping Up the School Year
It’s mid May and the countdown to the end of the year is on! The end is coming and school will be over before you know it. There’s SOOO much to do! How will you get it all finished? The to-do list seems to be ever growing. My mind races between all the things to get done, finish file and organize end… Read More
10 Tips To Effectively Teach Poetry
Are you gearing up to teach poetry but just aren’t sure where to start?! Have no fear, here’s a list of tips and tricks to make teaching poetry an cinch, AND get your students loving it too. Yes, even the boys! Introduce poetry with poems that your students can relate to. This is huge. You have to hook students on… Read More